PPNow 2024

We are pleased to announce the date for the British Psychoanalytic Council’s flagship conference, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Now 2024. The event will run on the Saturday 23 November only, and both online and in-person tickets will be available.

Attendance is both in-person and online. In-person tickets must be booked by midnight on 12 November. Further information and tickets are available here: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Now 2024 – British Psychoanalytic Council (bpc.org.uk)

Each year the PPNow conference looks further into a topic relevant in today’s climate and will be open to all; BPC Registrants, clinicians from other organisations, trainees, members of the Scholars’ Network, kite marked practitioners and anyone with an interest in psychoanalytic thinking.

We look forward to welcoming you to this year’s PPNow!

About PPNow 2024

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Now 2024 Psychoanalysis, ethics, regulation & the law; tensions and interactions 

This year’s PPNow conference marks the culmination of several years of concerted effort by the BPC, focusing on its role as a regulator for the psychoanalytic community in the UK. It also coincides with the launch of the BPC’s revised Standards of Conduct, Practice and Ethics, which will replace the Code of Ethics, setting out the minimum requirements expected of BPC Registrants in order to protect members of the public and maintain confidence in the profession. 

But how is it possible to provide standards and guidance for practitioners of this ‘impossible profession’ without becoming superego-ish and formulaic? Can guidelines be constructed that are helpful when confronted with the unconscious, and avoid killing the spontaneity and freedom so fundamental to this method? Might it be possible that proper regulation can actually enhance psychotherapeutic training and practice, to the benefit of both therapists and patients? 

Our speakers will help us to explore an ethical stance as a state of mind rather than simply a set of rules, and how we can make this state of mind an integral part of our approach to the work. 

Meet this year's speakers

See below for the rough schedule, timings may be subject to slight change:

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PPNow 2022 Recordings

Purchase your copy of the event 'Insiders and Outsiders: Navigating identities and divisions inside and outside the consulting room'
Read more