What are BPC Member Institutions?

The BPC has a unique and important relationship with our Member Institutions, they are our core members and they’re crucial to maintaining standards across the profession.

To understand, in full, their function and relationship with us, continue reading the FAQ below:

Frequently asked questions

The Benefits of being a BPC Member Institution

Interested in becoming a Member Institution with us? We believe that there’s many benefits:

  • Being an MI means that the public can trust that its professional standards have been rigorously accredited. 
  • The BPC ensures that all Registrants continue to be fit to practise, we attend to all Fitness to practice complaints or concerns which are raised. We also ensure that appropriate CPD is undertaken. 
  • The organisation’s appropriately qualified members join our online Register. We work closely with our MIs to maintain the integrity and accuracy of our Register.
  • Membership gives an organisation a much greater voice on issues which relate to our profession. For example, representing the interests of psychotherapy in the NHS, and in the ongoing collaborative work on Scope of Practice and Education (SCoPEd) with partner therapy and counselling groups. 
  • We produce online advice for MIs and their members on a wide range of subjects.  
  • We support our registrants with online advice and resources relevant to the various stages of a psychoanalytic career.
  • We provide an online jobs and opportunities board and online events calendar, prioritising MI initiatives. 
  • We platform MI initiatives via our monthly eNewsletter and at our PPNow psychoanalytic conference. 
  • MIs and Registrants have priority access to BPC events such as our PPNow conferences and our programme of workshops on such subjects as safeguarding, confidentiality and supporting young people identifying as trans.
  •  Each MI can nominate up to three people to sit on the BPC Council, the advisory group to the BPC Board of Trustees. 
  • The MI may appoint a member to attend our Ethics and Heads of Training Committees. These provide excellent opportunities to share good practice from other MIs and discuss issues of concern.
  • We maintain good communication and dialogue with our MIs through regular meetings between our expert staff.
  • We consult with our MIs regarding significant changes in professional regulation and to the relationship between the MI and BPC.

The Responsibilities of being a BPC Member Institution

With the benefits, come responsibilities between the BPC, the MIs and the Registrants. Scroll through the slideshow below to explore these:

Visit our MI Hub

To view all of our current Member Institutions and learn more about them, visit our MI Hub.
Learn more