Black Lives Matter
The events unfolding around the world since the tragic death of George Floyd in the United States has reminded us all of the systemic racism that pervades society. It was part of a continuing litany of race-related murders across the world, including the UK. Racism takes many forms, often subtle, not always recognisable, and often institutionalised into the way society operates.
Statement on racism and diversity
The British Psychoanalytic Council condemns racism in all its forms.
Our Registrants have a body of knowledge that may help us understand the often-unconscious biases we all hold within us. The psychoanalytic profession needs to play a greater part in the response to racism and the BPC will look to see how we might help facilitate that.
But we must also take a long and honest look at our own profession and reflect on its lack of diversity. We need to think about what further steps we need to take to address this. To help others we must also get things right ourselves.
We will need to review how diversity and racism is addressed within our accredited trainings, in the teaching and the recruitment of trainees and in the systems and structures of our training organisations and the BPC itself. We must also ensure that all our Registrants are encouraged to reflect on and continue to learn about diversity and racism in their continuing professional development.
Black Lives Matter