Cassandra’s Message! Nuclear Threat and Climate Catastrophe. The Endgame?

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Organised by:

British Psychoanalytical Society (incorporating the Institute of Psychoanalysis)

07 October 2022

Time: 18:00

Price: Standard ticket £25.00 | Concession £15.00

Location: online


Chaired by Harriet Wolfe IPA President Psychoanalyst (US)

Speaker: Charles Strozier Psychoanalyst (US) with David Morgan Psychoanalyst (UK)

Psychoanalysts Jill Gentile (US), Phil Stokoe (UK), Sally Weintrobe (UK), and Ecologist Andrew Gaines (AUS)

Freud watching the rise of fascism in the 1930’s and the inevitability of another World War wrote in a discussion with Einstein ‘Why War?’ that it was due to man’s “instinct for hatred and destruction”, co-existing with the instinct “to preserve and unite”.

We are currently once again in an endgame seemingly dominated by self-destruction this time through climate catastrophe or the threat of nuclear war. Why do our elected leaders turn a blind eye and why do we accept it?

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