Dreams and Analytical Psychology

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Organised by:

Association Of Jungian Analysts

21 November 2023

Time: 19:00 - 20:30

Price: £10.00

Location: online


Image by Khosrork for iStock
Freud said dreams are the Royal Road to the Unconscious, Jung said they are the Key to the Inner World: they agreed on the value of exploring dreams as a way to understand ourselves. This evening, Dr Dale Mathers*, a former psychiatrist and leader of the student counselling service at the LSE, who has led dream workshops and social dreaming events around the world, will look at the similarities and differences in their approaches, at new ideas from neuroscience which connect dreams to empathy, and how we might work with our own dreams and the dreams of our clients.
N.B. Participants will need drawing paper and coloured crayons to hand for this event.
*Dale Mathers’ new book, “Dreams: the basics”, will be published by Routledge in the summer of 2024.

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