English Landscape: Silence, Denial and Collusion – with Sally McLaren

Organised by:

C.G. Jung Club London

18 May 2023

Time: 19:00 - 21:15

Price: £15 (no charge for Club Members and Friends)


Essex Church
112 Palace Gardens Terrace
London W8 4RT
United Kingdom
W8 4RT

Map of address


This Thursday evening event is offered by the C.G. Jung Club London and will take place on Zoom and in person at the Essex Church.

The Club warmly welcomes anyone with an interest in Jungian psychology and related fields. Website https://www.jungclub-london.org/index.html

Come in person if you can and enjoy a glass of wine. Meet new friends and old.

Our speaker, Sally McLaren, writes…

My picture of the fox has the title ‘English Landscape’ and is by Andrew Waddington.

My clinical work in recent years has drawn my attention to an issue which has a long history and is very much part of the English landscape. This is an issue which has been largely hidden under a veil of silence. I am referring to the Public School system and in particular, the practice of sending children away to boarding school at the age of 7 and placing them in the care of an institution. I have also been struck by how little has been written about this other than by Joy Schaverien and Nick Duffell. It seems to me that the boarding school system offers a window into a cultural complex which is peculiarly British and with which we all collude.

And the fox, a familiar inhabitant of our landscape, will be there in the background, emerging from the shadows as he has in my work with these patients, a manifestation of the ‘elusive, deceptive, ever-changing content’, which flits about between us.

Sally McLaren is a Jungian Analyst and a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist with over twenty five years’ clinical experience and with a well-established private practice in West Sussex. Her paper, ‘Birds, Beasts and Babies – Notes from an Infant Observation’ won the Roszika Parker prize in 2013 and was published in the British Journal of Psychotherapy in November 2014. www.sallymclarentherapy.co.uk

Booking and Payments

Venue: It is preferable to prebook to attend a lecture at the venue. However, payment can be made at the venue on the night.

Online: Prebooking and payment is essential to join online.

ONLINE BOOKING: Email the Administrator admin@jungclub-london.org to make your booking and receive the link to the lecture

BOOKING WILL CLOSE at 5pm UK time on the day before each Lecture (Wednesday)

PAYMENT can be made by debit/credit card or PayPal – please see events page – Thursday lectures, on website for details.

To book, email admin@jungclub-london.org



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