Gender Dysphoria, Individuation and the Shadow with Bob Withers

Organised by:

C.G. Jung Club London

19 October 2023

Time: 19:15 - 21:15

Price: £15 No charge for members


This Thursday evening event is offered by the C. G. Jung Club London and will take place in person and online.

The Club warmly welcomes anyone with and interest in Jungian psychology and related fields.

The Club was founded in 1922 by close associates of Carl Gustav Jung and continues today, building a community that explores Jung’s ideas and concepts.

Visit our website at

Our speaker for this evening is Bob Withers.

Bob will loosely base his talk on his chapter in the forthcoming book ‘Jung’s Shadow Concept’ edited by Christopher Perry and Rupert Tower. He will outline a way of conceptualising gender dysphoria that integrates Winnicott’s approach to the mind body relationship with Jung’s shadow concept. Bob will argue that gender dysphoria can be conceptualised as a dissociation between a disembodied mind, with which the person identifies, and shadow aspects of the self which are projected into the body.

Robert Withers is a training analyst with the SAP and former senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Westminster. In 1990 he co-founded The Rock Clinic- a charitable, community-based psychotherapy clinic in Brighton. His interest in transgender issues began in the early nineties when he worked analytically with a male to female to male (MtFtM) detransitioner. This experience alerted him to the vital importance of trans people thoroughly addressing their psychological issues before making permanent changes to their bodies. His 2015 paper ‘The Seventh Penis’ won the Michael Fordham prize

BOOKING: To obtain the online link, email the Administrator with booking and payment details.

NOTE: Online booking will close at 5pm on Wednesday 18 October

PAYMENT: can be made by debit/credit card or PayPal on our website (home page above picture of C G Jung)

BACS payment should be made to C G Jung Club London
Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-95-35 Account No: 00304455
BIC/SWIFT: LOYDGB21466 IBAN: GB77 LOYD 3095 3500 3044 55
Ref: 18 Oct and your surname

If paying by card or BACS please email with details.

To book, email



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