Necropolitics and Palestine

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Organised by:

International Association of Jungian Studies and Glasgow Caledonian University

10 October 2022

Time: 19:30 - 21:00

Price: Free

Location: online


To mark the publication of “Descent of the Soul: katabasis and depth psychology” edited Terence Dawson, Paul Bishop, Leslie Gardner (Routledge 2022), speakers will present discussion about the phenomenon in Palestine. Find out more here.

Moderators: Leslie Gardner and Catriona Miller

Martin Kemp, PhD, Psychoanalyst (BPA, BPC). Member UK-Palestine Mental Health Network, for publications see

Richard Seaford, Emeritus Professor of Ancient Greek, University of Exeter; past president of British Classical Association ; author of numerous books + papers on ancient Greek texts; The Origins of Philosophy in Ancient Greece and Ancient India (Cambridge UP 2020), invited lectures globally, and a member of BRICUP (British Committee for the Universities of Palestine)

Respondent: Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Queen Mary, University of London, for publications see

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