Registration number: 11781
Maria Falzon
Medical Psychodynamic Psychotherapist
About Maria Falzon
As a psychodynamic practitioner, my understanding is that you might approach me for help when you have experienced something as very painful, and you find yourself unable to resolve it; you might be aware that you are trying to ignore it. Sometimes you might bury something so well that you lose sight of it – it is unconscious. Difficult past experiences can end up affecting you in the present without your conscious awareness – you feel stuff, you do things, but you don’t know why.
If this approach is suitable for your needs, I would work with you to encourage you to talk freely and to look deeper into your difficulties, to understand what might be causing these problems within yourself.
I draw on more than thirty years' experience of working in Mental Health, including 17 years as a Consultant in General Adult Psychiatry. I am a founder member of Mentalisation-Based Treatment (MBT) Scotland; from 2009, I co-delivered 11 mentalisation skills courses across Scotland. I applied and was accepted as a BPC registrant in 2015. I completed the Advanced Practitioner training in MBT in 2013 and was accredited as a Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy practitioner in 2019.
- Accepting referrals: Yes
- Medically Qualified: Yes
- Languages: English, Maltese
- Availability for supervision: Yes
Membership Institution(s)
Organisation(s) that Maria Falzon is associated with:
- Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Public Sector - Member
26 Forth Street
Edinburgh EH1 3LH