Registration number: 21815

Liz Salter

Psychodynamic Counsellor

About Liz Salter

I have a professional background in Mental and Adult nursing and since training as a Couple and Individual therapist, I have specialised in counselling those affected by life threatening illness and long term conditions.
I supervise trained and trainee therapists and have developed and delivered training at Tavistock Relationships.
I am a trainer and supervisor for the accredited high intensity therapies offered through IAPT, Couple Therapy for Depression (CTfD) & Behavioural Couple Therapy for Alcohol Dependency (BCT-AD).

  • Accepting referrals: Yes
  • Registered to work with: Adult
  • Medically Qualified: No
  • Languages: English
  • Availability for supervision: Yes

Membership Institution(s)

Organisation(s) that Liz Salter is associated with:

  • Wessex Counselling and Psychotherapy - Member


2 Downs Cote View


Bristol BS9 3TU Map of address


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