Registration number: 22902

Mark Waddington

Psychodynamic Organisational Therapist

Image of Mark Waddington

About Mark Waddington

Placement Support is a multi-disciplinary team combining specialists with wide experience of working and living with vulnerable children and families. Our expertise includes psychotherapy, social-work, and education, with particular focus on the way children and those who care for them live together. Our support is provided through face-to-face and on-line work. Our on-line services have been in operation for more than five years and are highly regarded.

  • Accepting referrals: Yes
  • Registered to work with: Adult
  • Medically Qualified: No
  • Languages: English
  • Availability for supervision: Yes

Membership Institution(s)

Organisation(s) that Mark Waddington is associated with:

  • Association for Psychodynamic Practice and Counselling in Organisational Settings - Full Member


Placement Support

12 Princess Road West

12 Princess Road West

Leicester LE1 6TP Map of address


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