Registration number: 24225

Nicky Garner

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

Image of Nicky Garner

About Nicky Garner

I am a qualified Occupational Therapist and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist with over 17 years' experience of providing psychoanalytic assessment and therapy to people with a broad range of mental health difficulties. I am a graduate of the Tavistock and Portman Trust with an MA in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and I completed my full training as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist with NEAPP (North of England Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists).

I worked in the Regional Department of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for over eleven years providing specialist psychoanalytic assessment and therapy to patients and I have extensive experience in treating a range of emotional disorders including: anxiety and depression, loss and bereavement, overwhelming anger, physical and sexual abuse and neglect, feelings of emptiness, uncertainty about one's identity, relationship and sexual difficulties, low self esteem, excessive self blame and feeling stuck and dissatisfied with life. I provide once, twice and three times weekly therapy within both a time limited and open ended frame. Prior to this, I have worked in specialist settings with both drug and alcohol misuse and early intervention in psychosis offering psychoanalytically applied treatments to patients in a variety of different settings ranging from family work, group work, couple and individual work.

I am now working in full time private practice offering psychoanalytic therapy to people either once, twice and three times weekly therapy long term or on a time limited basis. I also offer specialist supervision, teaching and case discussion groups to other people working in the psychotherapy field.

  • Accepting referrals: Yes
  • Registered to work with: Adult
  • Medically Qualified: No
  • Languages: English
  • Availability for supervision: Yes

Membership Institution(s)

Organisation(s) that Nicky Garner is associated with:

  • Scottish Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists - Member

Newcastle upon tyne

Great Park Psychotherapy Service

4 Lambley Way

4 Lambley Way

Newcastle Upon Tyne NE13 9BZ Map of address


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