Registration number: 25843

Richard Pratt

Psychodynamic Organisational Therapist

About Richard Pratt

I am a Clinical Psychologist with extensive experience in the field of Parent-Infant Mental Health. Most of my current clinical experience is through the Apricot Wellbeing Service (Child & Family Social Enterprise) and involves providing psycho-dynamically informed therapy to adolescents in a school setting as well as consultation to school staff. I work three days a week as course tutor / lecturer on the Clinical Psychology Doctorate at the University of Essex where my role includes co-ordinating and contributing to the psychoanalytic module. In addition I provide supervision on a freelance basis. I am a full member of APPCIOS (Association for Psychodynamic Practice and Counselling in Organisational Settings) and have experience of providing of consultation / staff groups.

  • Accepting referrals: No
  • Registered to work with: Institutional Settings
  • Medically Qualified: No
  • Languages: English
  • Availability for supervision: Yes

Membership Institution(s)

Organisation(s) that Richard Pratt is associated with:

  • Association for Psychodynamic Practice and Counselling in Organisational Settings - Full Member


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