Registration number: 26269

Sarah Costelloe

Child and Family Psychodynamic Psychotherapist

About Sarah Costelloe

I am a child, adolescent and family psychotherapist with 30 years’ experience of working with children, young people and families in a wide variety of ways. With a background in primary and secondary education, children’s services and family support, I work therapeutically with children and young people with a broad range of needs and issues. As systemic family work is part of my training, I also work with parents and carers if this is appropriate for the best outcome for the child or young person. I have experience of assessment and consultation within my practice and use these during my work to help find the best treatment pathway for children and young people. I work in Gloucestershire and surrounding areas and as well as undertaking private practice, I work with a charitable organisation that provides psychotherapy within schools and alongside the NHS within GP surgeries.

  • Accepting referrals: Yes
  • Registered to work with: Child, Child & Family, Children and Adolescents
  • Medically Qualified: No
  • Languages: English
  • Availability for supervision: No

Membership Institution(s)

Organisation(s) that Sarah Costelloe is associated with:

  • Tavistock Society of Psychotherapists - Member


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