Registration number: 20713
Annie Pesskin
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
About Annie Pesskin
Treatment Experience
- NHS Community Mental Health Team Reflective Practitioner
- Private practice working x1, x2 and x3 times per week with a variety of mental health issues including relationship difficulties, OCD, internet porn addiction, depression and anxiety
- Online therapy but only after experience of getting to know the patient in the room first
- Accepting referrals: Yes
- Registered to work with: Adult
- Medically Qualified: No
- Languages: English
- Availability for supervision: Yes
Membership Institution(s)
Organisation(s) that Annie Pesskin is associated with:
- British Psychotherapy Foundation - Member
Regent St
Greater London
London W1 psychoanalysisinotherstories.comOxford
Edgeway Road
Oxford OX3 0HF