How do referrals work?

There are a number of ways you might be referred to a therapist.

Talk to your doctor

In some areas, psychoanalytic psychotherapy is available from the NHS, but, unfortunately, there is often a long wait. When it is available, it might only be offered for a short period. In addition to making a referral to an NHS therapist, your doctor may signpost you to locally-based private therapists.

The NHS website offers a guide to mental health issues, with information that may help you talk to your doctor.

Talk to our Member Institution clinics

It can be helpful to take advice when seeking referral. All our registered psychotherapists are experienced in assessment and diagnostic consultations, and a preliminary consultation can help you decide if psychoanalytic psychotherapy would be suitable for you.

Several of our Member Institutions have referral services, which can assist in finding a therapist. Some also have clinical services offering therapy or analysis at reduced fees.

Use our Find a Therapist search

Our Find a Therapist search contains the names of psychoanalytic psychotherapists in UK clinical practice. They all meet our code of ethics and requirements for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Registrants’ entries state whether their premises are accessible.

Please note that some of our Registrants may also be registered with other statutory or voluntary registers. A Registrant’s entry may indicate, for example, that they are medically qualified (although this does not necessarily mean they are GMC registered), or a practitioner psychologist regulated by the HCPC (CPsychol).

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Thinking about Therapy?

Learn more about psychoanalysis, what a session might entail and how to find a therapist on our public register.
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