Helen Miskin


Image of Helen Miskin

About Helen Miskin

I began my training in 2006 as a psychotherapist and counsellor, and since then I have been working for my local NHS service, MIND counselling service, and later Marches Counselling Service. Alongside working with clients, I work as a supervisor of other counsellors and psychotherapists, privately, in charities and the in NHS.

In 2017 I began teaching counselling and psychotherapy at Diploma, Masters and Doctorate level. I have been training manager for a number of different organisations and worked with BACP accredited course division and UKCP colleges to provide quality modern training. I believe in helping to shape the next generation of psychotherapists and counsellors.

I offer online, telephone and in-person therapy. The type of therapy I offer does not just focus on what you know, but on how you feel. When our truth and understanding of others and the world is embodied, our thoughts, feelings and behaviour feel authentic. You will feel a stronger you and act in a way that is true to yourself.

I am aware how hard the first step of contacting me might be. I do not charge for the initial conversation as I believe it is so important that you find the right person for you.



07716366177 helen.miskin@embodiedunderstanding.com Map of address


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