Screening Committee and Fitness to Practise Committee Panellists
The BPC is committed to transparency and the names of our Screening Committee members and Fitness to Practise Committee Panellists are detailed below.
Screening Committee
The Screening Committee members are as follows:
- Bernadette Walsh (Lay)
- Carolyn Walker (Reg)
- Charlotte Friedman (Reg)
- Dave Weinbren (Lay)
- Hope Samuel (Reg)
- Michael Guthrie (Lay)
- Susanna Abse (Reg)
Fitness to Practise Committee
The Practise to Practise Committee Panellists are as follows:
- Asim Butt (Lay)
- Elizabeth Hertzmann (Reg)
- Eric Karas (Reg)
- Frances Navaratnem (Reg)
- James DuCann (Reg)
- Jennifer Cobb (Reg)
- Judith Felman (Reg)
- Kannan Navaratnem (Reg)
- Mohammed Shiraz Hussain (Lay)
- Monica Lanman (Reg)
- Paula Manners (Reg)
- Rekha Randhawa (Lay)
- Rose Persson (Reg)
- Roy McLachlan (Lay)
- Samita Daol (Lay)