Scholars’ Network application continued

  • Please choose the category of membership you would like to join the Scholars' Network as. To view the criteria of all categories, please view the "About our Scholars’ Network" page.
  • Please upload a copy of your CV.
    Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Please list the universities you are affiliated with in your work and career.
  • Please list your publications that are associated with psychoanalytical, Jungian or psychodynamic theory. We request evidence of a publication track-record (e.g. publication of a book, or book chapters, or a significant number of peer reviewed journal articles), which constitutes a substantial written contribution to the advancement of psychoanalytical knowledge. We request that these publications are presented in English for our reviewal.
  • Please list the lectures/conferences you have presented at recently.
  • Please detail anything further to support your application.
  • Please detail which, if any, professional bodies or regulators you are registered with and your registration numbers (including BPC).
  • Associate Scholar applicants are required to submit a letter of endorsement from a Ph.D. supervisor, underscoring the overtly psychoanalytical nature of their dissertation project. Please attach your letter here if you are applying to join as an Associate Scholar.
    Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Associate Scholar applicants are required to submit a copy of their Ph.D. proposal, underscoring the overtly psychoanalytical nature of their dissertation project. Please attach your Ph.D. proposal here if you are applying to join as an Associate Scholar.
    Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Are there any disciplinary issues that the BPC needs to be aware of? e.g. a Fitness to Practise hearing with another regulator or employment disciplinary action.
  • If you answered 'yes' to the disciplinary issues question above, please provide further details.
  • Please enter the email address that you would like your confirmation sent to.